Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The psychodelic version...

Hold the press! here it comes, late, but still making it (barely that is)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Peanuts Theme

When I first saw this kid, I could almost hear the Peanuts theme playing. Just like Linus, he was carrying his blanket and sucking his fingers.


The Guy In Green

My take on the guy in green sweater. Better late than never as they say.

Friday, December 01, 2006

"Dude in Green" (private colection)

So we decide he -IS- the mark of the day, we all stare at him at a time, real close to get every detail, and what does he do? what -is- his reaction? A little appreciation in the line of,"Oh my god! I'm the mark of the day, etc!!" ??
No way, he looks back at us all suspicious, who knows why, and gets kind of nervous about it. So unprofessional...Really.


The Sketchclub management picked this guy as our "mark" for our memory sketch as he walked into the restaurant.

From across the restaurant I quickly tried to gather up as much visual information as possible. Then, I stopped to pick up my gear and fill my cup once more at the soda fountain. I turn around and this guy was standing right in front of me!!!

I had a good look at this face...bet no one will catch the scar on his left upper eye lid!
