Thursday, May 31, 2012

My first post.

Had the pleasure of joining some amazingly talented artists for the second week in a row :)  I'm looking forward to the next session!  

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another First Timer

I was lucky enough to join the group last week, I had a lot of fun, as well as lunch!
Very excited to be apart of an amazing bunch.
Here is my quick sketch of our mark from last week, better late than never right?
Kendra I'll miss you!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My very first posting!

I'm a newbie here.
Still trying to figure out how things work. 
And this happens to be my very first posting. 
I haven't been coloring since college so please excuse my choices. 
Hope I get better.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Sketchclub update...

Here's the mark for this week. I'm certain the hair was darker, but my lay-in color looked so nice, I decided to keep it.

This week, Mark McDonnell showed up to draw with us at Sketchclub -- hadn't seen him in a little while. Gosh, his sketchbook looked so good, I'm sure we'll be seeing yet another book from him. Really funny drawings, he had me in stitches!

And... new comer Natalie Hall joined our club for the first time. Wow, this girl can draw.

And, it looks like the very talented Kendra Melton is going to be working a gig in New York for a stint. Hopefully we'll be seeing lots of New York drawings on her blog.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Appropriate Footwear

Alright, here's my take. It's the guy all the way on the left in his slippers and athletic wear.
Marcelo Vignali

Introducing TODD HAMPSON!

Todd Hampson
Todd Hampson, from Timbuktoons, was our special guest at Sketchclub. He, and his good friend Shawn, came in all the way from Georgia. And, as is the ritual, he sketched out the mark strictly from memory.